Go From Surviving to Living

Change Is Possible

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Have you been called “too sensitive” more times than you can count?

Is there a voice in your head that constantly criticizes you for not doing enough?

Do you fear disappointing someone when you put yourself first?

I spent most of my life masking my true self because I felt too flawed. 

If I could just be perfect, constantly productive, and not disappoint anyone, maybe then I would be good enough. But by my 20’s, my physical and mental health began to crumble. On the outside, I was a thriving wellness coach. Inside, I was barely surviving.

Eventually I discovered that real change is possible. But it’s not in the way you might expect.

1:1 Coaching for Highly Sensitive People

Find freedom from overwhelm and anxiety, overcome perfectionism, and embrace your true self.

In our work together, you will:

  • Release the belief that your sensitivity is a weakness

  • Learn how to navigate gracefully through anxiety and overwhelm 

  • Discover your unique strengths and gifts so you can finally embrace your true self 

 “Sara has been an invaluable help on my journey to self love and freedom. She maintains the perfect balance of empathy and wisdom as she guides your own process of growth and change. Sara led me to profound discoveries within myself that have completely changed who I am today. Trust yourself and Sara in this process, and you cannot fail.”

-Brittany H.

“I have nothing but positive things to say about working with Sara. Her genuine compassion paired with her in-depth knowledge has helped me immensely in seeing myself as beautiful and powerful, rather than something society (and I) had deemed as "not good enough". Sara celebrates all your wins, big and small, and is endlessly supportive as your coach on this self-love journey.”

-Jodie B.

The Imperfect Blog

Helping you let go of perfection and embrace your wonderfully sensitive self.